Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Round-Up

Well, it's Friday again. Which I'm excited about and all.

Except...I've got some things on my mind.

Nothing bad, or anything There are just some decisions that I have to think through that I didn't think I'd have to make until some time down the road.

So, one of those weekends, then...


Now, on to some things less unnecessarily overly dramatic...

I would like to go shopping for a toddler-pestilence survival kit, immediately.

I think I could say this about most of the things that The Bloggess writes, but this robot animal thing? Nearly had me in tears of laughter. She is all kinds of awesome.

In other 'I could link to everything this lady posts' excitement, I kind of want this outfit from Kendi. All of it.

If Brigid was in school right now, and needed to make valentines for her class, we would so be doing this all weekend. Remind me about this conversation next year, ok?

Ginger always hits the nail squarely on the head when she writes about being a working mom, and this post was no exception. I think I find myself falling into the 'someone else is raising my kid' trap from time to time, and I like the reminder that this isn't really the case...


And in other news, I did a guest post for Tiffany earlier this week, and I completely forgot to link to it here on Monday, when it was posted. And, of course, you should probably go check out my Style Lush post for the week, too.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I thought my flower heart lollipop valentine was cool, but yours is WAY cooler! Love it! And Kendi is just amazing. I want to sneak into her closet and swipe a few things for myself. lol


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