Wednesday, January 5, 2011

This might be the surest sign that I'm getting old...

My mother-in-law bought me a couple of really adorable blouses from the Banana Republic outlet for Christmas this year. My first thought when I unwrapped them? 

'These blouses will look fantastic tucked into a skirt for work!'

Somewhere, my flannel-clad 16-year-old self is shaking her her unblow-dried, non-straightened, pony-tailed head in amazement.

I'm experimenting with the self-portrait/timer function on my camera...hence the cut-off head.  I'll get there, I think.
Blouse: BR Outlet
Cardigan: J Crew Outlet
Skirt: The Limited

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I think I have said the same thing recently when picking out a shirt from the closet...ha!!
    It is a sign of growing up, not least i try to trick myself into thinking that!


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